Kanelada drink

Delicious cinnamon syrup drink!

The smell of cinnamon takes me back to my childhood, reminding me of two things.... kanelada (kanela means cinnamon in Greek),  and rice pudding made by my mother.
Today we will talk about kanelada, a local soft drink made of cinnamon.
It can be served either hot or cold. you might find it ready in some supermarkets sold locally or you can make it yourself.
Below I present you the recipe I follow:

Ingredients you will need:
  • 1,5lt of water
  • 750gr of sugar or honey (less quantity)
  • 8 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 cloves


1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil for about 30mins in the highest temperature.
2.As soon as it starts heating, remove the foam that's been created.
3. In about half an hour you will see that it starts to inflate, which means it has tied enough.
4. You may lower the fire.
5. While it is hot, it is stretched, because as it cools it will thicken and it will not be easy to sneeze.
6. Let it cool completely. It will become a very thick syrup. Put it in a bottle preferably glass.


In the wiinter, ideally it can be served in hot water (1/3 of syrup).
In the summer, to cool yourself use the same quantity of Kanelada in a glass full of ice cubes.
Traditionally, in Crete, Kanelada is served in the open markets or the cafes, in a glass full of snow from Psloritis mountain, since the early 1900's.
Nowadays it is also served with trimmed ice.


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